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Boss Data

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Table of ContentsIntroductionStory/CharactersGame MechanicsBasic ControlsTwo WorldsVirus BustingBattle Chip BasicsSub ScreenNetworkBlue/White DifferencesWalkthroughScenario 1: Midnight IntruderScenario 2: The Zoo Panic IncidentScenario 3: The Bubble DisturbanceScenario 4: The N1 Grand Prix Begins!Scenario 5: Protect a Life!!Scenario 6: A Burning Battle!Scenario 7: Infiltrate the Undernet!!Scenario 8: The Revival of AlphaPost-Game ScenarioPost-Game: Clean UpPost-Game: Secret Area 1Post-Game: Secret Area 2Post-Game: Secret Area 3Post-Game: Bass GSPost-Game: Time TrialsPost-Game: Purple StarPost-Game: Ω NavisPost Game: Orange StarSide QuestsJob RequestsVirus BreedingQUIZ Battle!TradesMini-GamesOther EventsMegaManStyle ChangeHP Memory LocationsReg UP LocationsSub Memory LocationsInternet DataNet TradersSub Chip TradersProgram DealersMystery Dataα/β NetNavi LocationsChip TraderNumber TraderBattle ChipsStandard ChipsMega ChipsGiga ChipsCommand ListProgram AdvanceNavi CustomizerProgram ListError CodesExtra CodesCompression CommandVirus DataBoss DataFrequently Asked QuestionsVersion HistoryCredits/ThanksBoss Data


FlashManFlashMan αFlashMan β HPElementNeon LightSpark ArmLocationRewardsFlashMan300Elec1015Principal’s PC 21000 ZennysFlashMan α500Elec3045ACDC 3FlashMan FFlashMan β700Elec6090ACDC 2

100~2000 Zennys,FlashMan F, FlashMnV2 F,FlashMnV3 F, FlashMnV4 F

Neon Light: FlashMan sends a ball of colorful lights toward MegaMan.Spark Arm: FlashMan warps to the front column, raises his arm, and sends electricity to the column in front of him and another space in front of him.

Flash Light: FlashMan summons two Bulbs on your side of the field. The Bulbs will flash after a few seconds, which paralyzes you. The Bulbs have 40 HP.

Strategy: FlashMan will warp around his side of the field and occasionally use Neon Light to attack. As the ball of light gets close to you, swiftly move up/down to dodge the attack. FlashMan will also use his Spark Arm attack, which can be easily dodged by moving to the back column. He will use his Flash Light to summon two bulbs on your side of the field. You should destroy them as soon as possible in order to prevent them from paralyzing you, which will always be followed up by another attack by FlashMan.

As you fight α/β versions of FlashMan, he will warp around the field more often and uses his Spark Arm attack in between his Neon Light attack. Wood chips inflict double damage. Use a combination of "PanlGrab" and "AreaGrab" chips to prevent FlashMan from hitting you with his "Spark Arm" after using his "Flash Light".


GutsManGutsMan αGutsMan β HPElementShockwaveGuts HammerGuts PunchGuts StraightZ-PunchLocationRewardsGutsMan300None202030--ACDCGutsMan GGutsMan α700None404060--ACDC,Eternal HadesGutsManV2 GGutsMan β900None100100-150150Castle Wily100~2000 Zennys, GutsMan G, GutsManV2 G, GutsManV3 G, GutsManV4 GShockwave: GutsMan will send a Shockwave that travels forward. The Shockwave cannot travel forward through holes.Guts Hammer: GutsMan will move to the front of his area and slams the ground, which will crack all the panels in front of him.

Guts Punch: GutsMan will move up to the front of the area most likely when you are positioned at the front and punch you.

Guts Straight: GutsMan will punch with his fist flying forward. He will use this instead of the "Guts Punch" attack.

P.A. ZetaPnch: GutsMan will use the P.A. "ZetaPnch". He will become invincible for a few seconds as he performs multiple "Guts Straight" attacks.

Strategy: Most of GutsMan's attacks are predictable, so you can use your projectile chips such as "Cannon", "Shotgun", and "SideGun" chips to shoot from afar while dodging his Shockwaves. You can also implement the"AreaGrab“ and “WideSwrd" combo you learned during the tutorial. Be careful when there are cracked panels in the middle row though. If you step on a cracked panel and step off, the panel will break, forming a hole. GutsMan's Shockwave attacks do not travel through holes, so you can use that to your advantage to attack from afar. However, if there are holes in the middle row, you cannot move up/down, and you are pretty much stuck until the panels return. During that time, you will be susceptible to the Shockwaves.

GutsMan α has more HP and inflicts more damage. He will also use his Guts Hammer quite often, destroying most of your panels in the process. I suggest using "PanlOut3" to destroy his front column to prevent him from getting any of his attacks to hit you. You can use the "Roll" chip to attack/heal, "Guard", and even use the "GutsMan" chip you obtained a few minutes ago.

GutsMan β deals more damage and moves more quickly and often. When his HP gets low, he will use the P.A. "ZetaPnch". Hopefully you have at least two panels that are not broken from his "Guts Hammer" attack as you need to dodge the P.A. by moving up/down swiftly. If not you will have to either use Barrier/Invis chips to survive the onslaught.


MetalManMetalMan αMetalMan β HPElementMetal WheelMetal MissileMetal FistLocationRewardsMetalMan500None2020-Hotel FrontMetalMan MMetalMan α700None404080Four Hades,Hotel FrontMetalMnV2 MMetalMan β1200None8080160Hotel Front100~2000 Zennys,MetalMan M,MetalMnV2 M,MetalMnV3 M,MetalMnV4 MMetal Wheel: MetalMan throws a Metal Blade that flies around the outer parts of the field.

Metal Missile: Three Missiles fire out of MetalMan's back, which targets where MegaMan is standing.

Metal Fist: MetalMan will warp to the front column and raise his fist into the air as he punches one panel in front of him.

Strategy: As you start the Battle, you will notice the two Metal Gears in the middle of the field. The Gears will move back and forth. If you hit the Gear, it will inflict 20 damage. I recommend using an "AreaGrab" to increase your mobility around the field. This will also help with dodging the Gear and MetalMan's attacks. MetalMan is not the fastest NetNavi and will stand still sometimes after he attacks. Use this to your advantage when using your Battle Chips. Sword chips are recommended due to the amount of damage that you can inflict on MetalMan.

When you fight MetalMan α/β you can also break the Metal Gears with the "BrakChrg" Navi Customizer Program. Once the Gears are out of the way, you just have to keep moving to dodge the Wheels and Missiles. MetalMan β uses his Metal Fist more often, so you should be wary of that.


BeastManBeastMan αBeastMan β HPElementBeast RayJumping ClawWild RushLocationRewardsBeastMan500None202020Zoo Comp 41500 ZennysBeastMan α700None404040SciLab 1BeastMan BBeastMan β900None606060Undernet 3,Doghouse Comp100~2000 Zennys,BeastMan B,BeastMnV2 B,BeastMnV3 B, BeastMnV4 BBeast Ray: BeastMan rushes towards MegaMan in a diagonal movement.Jumping Claw: BeastMan jumps into the air and lands near MegaMan and slashes with his Claws. The attack range is three vertical spaces in front of him.

Wild Rush: BeastMan will disappear and shoot out his Claws that attack diagonally towards MegaMan and will follow up with his Head rushing towards you horizontally.

Strategy: BeastMan moves quickly around his side of the field, so hitting him with Battle Chips such as "Cannon" can be a little difficult. Dodging BeastMan's attacks can take a bit of practice. The Beast Ray attack can be dodged by moving up/down/back and the Jumping Claw attack can be dodged by moving back one space. If you stand in the front column, BeastMan tends to jump to his front column to attack you. You can use this to your advantage and use Sword chips to attack. When his HP gets low, he will start using his Wild Rush attack. You would need to move up/down swiftly to dodge this attack.

BeastMan α can use the Jumping Claw attack from behind you. Therefore, you need to watch closely where his shadow appears and dodge accordingly. BeastMan α will also use his Wild Rush attack three times consecutively. The "Slasher" chip is effective during this battle as well as any Sword chips in combination with the "AreaGrab" and "Invis" chips.

BeastMan β moves even faster than his α version. If you can use an "AreaGrab", you can increase your mobility in your area to dodge his attacks easier. As long as you stand in the middle row, you just need to watch where his shadow appears and move left/right accordingly.


BubbleManBubbleMan αBubbleMan β HPElementSea CrabBubble ParadeFish MissileMineAqua ShootLocationRewardsBubbleMan500Aqua3030303050Yoka 12000 ZennysBubbleMan α800Aqua80808080100Yoka 1BubblMan BBubbleMan β1200Aqua120120120120150Beach 1100~2000 Zennys,BubblMan B,BubblMnV2 B,BubblMnV3 B,BubblMnV4 BSea Crab: BubbleMan throws a Crab that moves to the left and turns once just like the "Ratton" chip. The Crab has 10 HP.Bubble Parade: Bubbles that float towards you from the hole.Fish Missile: A Missile that shoots to the left when you pop a bubble that contains the Missile.

Mine: A Mine that explodes when MegaMan is near it. The Bubble surrounding the Mine has 40 HP.Aqua Shoot: BubbleMan will shoot three arrows at you.

Strategy: As you start the Battle, you will notice that there is a hole in the middle of his field and a rock. BubbleMan will always be standing in the back column. BubbleMan will continue to summon Bubbles from the hole, which can contain "Missiles" and "Mines". The Bubbles can be destroyed by a single Buster Shot, so you need to keep firing in order to prevent the Bubbles from floating into your field. If you pop a Bubble that contains a "Missile", swiftly move up/down to dodge the attack. BubbleMan will occasionally throw a Sea Crab that moves towards you. In terms of your offense, you need to use Battle Chips that can hit the back column such as Bomb Chips. As BubbleMan's HP gets low, BubbleMan will wrap himself in a Bubble and start shooting "Arrows" at you. The attack itself is easy to dodge, but the Bubbles will keep floating towards you. Therefore, you need to dodge and shoot at the same time.

When you fight BubbleMan α/β, use your "BrakChrg" Navi Customizer Program to use your Charged Buster Shot to destroy the boulder. You can also place an Obstacle such as a "RandmMetr" or "Pawn" in front of the hole where the Bubbles come out of. You can use an "AreaGrab" and use P.A. "LifeSwrd" when his HP gets below 400 to prevent him from getting into his Bubble Barrier.


KingManKingMan αKingMan β HPElementPawnKnightCheckmateLocationRewardsKingMan800None305050TV Station Lobby1000 ZennysKingMan α1000None60100100TV Station Lobby,Castle Wily

KingMan K

KingMan β1500None100150150Castle Wily

100~2000 Zennys,KingMan K,KingManV2 K,KingManV3 K,KingManV4 K

Pawn: The Pawn Chess Piece moves up/down the column and uses a Long Sword attack.Knight: The Knight Chess Piece jumps around his side of the field and attacks with a Shockwave that travels down the row.Rook: The Rook Piece appears when KingMan uses "Plan B", which guards KingMan.

Checkmate: When MegaMan's HP is low, KingMan will trap MegaMan with his Chess Pieces and jumps into MegaMan.

Strategy: KingMan will be moving at the back column while his “Chess Pieces” does most of the attacking. The Knight will continuously jump towards you and creates a Shockwave that travels down the row. As you dodge the Knight, the Pawns will slice forward 2 spaces with their sword. The attacks are easy to dodge if you keep moving up/down. You can also stand at the back column for awhile before KingMan uses "Plan B". If you want to prevent KingMan from using "Plan B", you have to keep dodging the attacks by moving up/down. KingMan always starts with "one Knight and two Pawns". "Plan B" can change his formation to "one Pawn and two Knights" or "One Rook and two Knights". In terms of offense, using Bomb Chips and Piercing Chips works well.


DesertManDesertMan αDesertMan β HPElementLion HeadAntlionHeavy SandLocationRewardsDesertMan800None404060Editing Comp2500 ZennysDesertMan α1200None8080120Beach 1DsrtMan DDesertMan β1600None120120180Old TV Comp100~2000 Zennys,DesrtMan D,DesrtMnV2,DesrtMnV3 D,DesrtMnV4 DLion Head: DesertMan's hand turns into a Lion and rushes towards you.Antlion: DesertMan summons Antlions on your side of the field.

Heavy Sand: DesertMan summons a block of Sand that falls onto your side of the field.

Strategy: DesertMan is similar to KingMan as he tends to stay in the back two columns as his two hands do the attacking. You can destroy his hands with a Charge Shot or Battle Chips, which will eventually come back. When you hit DesertMan with an attack, his body will break down and spawn to a different panel. You can use "Aqua Chips" to harden his sand, which will let you hit him with multiple attacks.

There is not really a lot to say in regards to DesertMan α/β. He has more HP and simply inflicts more damage with his attacks. You need to employ the same strategy that you used when fighting against him the first time.


PlantManPlantMan αPlantMan β HPElementRose NeedlePlant WeedLocationRewardsPlantMan1000Wood5040Hospital Comp 53000 ZennysPlantMan α1300Wood8040Undernet 4PlantMan PPlantMan β1700Wood12040Hospital Comp 3100~2000 Zennys, PlantMan P, PlantMnV2 P, PlantMnV3 P, PlantMnV4 PRose Needle: PlantMan shoots a bundle of Needles towards MegaMan.Plant Weed: PlantMan sends a Vine that chases MegaMan. If the Vine wraps around MegaMan, it can continue to hold you in place and inflicts 40 damage every few seconds.

Yellow Flower: PlantMan summons a Yellow Flower that sprays pollen that can paralyze you.

Red Flower: PlantMan summons a Red Flower that sprays pollen that confuses you.

Leaf Shield: PlantMan puts up a shield that absorbs MegaMan's attack.

Strategy: PlantMan will warp around his side of the field a few times before shooting out his "Rose Needles", which is easy to dodge by moving up/down. PlantMan will usually follow up with his "Plant Weed" attack and will actually stand in place for a few seconds, which you can utilize as long as you are careful dodging the vine. When PlantMan's HP gets low, he will start using the "Yellow/Red Flowers". You can dodge the attacks by moving away from the Flower that's about to release its pollen or use an "AreaGrab" to increase your mobility around your side of the field. "Fire Chips" inflict double the damage. If you have the "GrassStg" chip, you can even quadruple the damage (although PlantMan will gradually heal if he is standing on a Grass panel).

PlantMan α/β can use "Leaf Shield", which can absorb any attack and heal himself. As soon as PlantMan puts up the "Leaf Shield", use your Buster to get rid of it with the least amount of HP that he can heal with. If you have obtained any "RndmMetr" chips, you can do some serious damage!


FlameManFlameMan αFlameMan β HPElementChaos FlameFlame TowerFire BreathLocationRewardsFlameMan1000Fire606060Undernet 33500 ZennysFlameMan α1400Fire808080Undernet 5FlamMan FFlameMan β1800Fire150150150Yoka 1100~2000 Zennys, FlamMan F, FlamManV2 F, FlamManV3 F, FlamManV4 F

Flame Candle: There are two candles at the back column that changes color granting different effects:

Green - InvincibillityRed - Regenerate HPOrange - Summons two balls of flame that move in a circleFlame Tower: FlameMan sends a line of fire down the row.Fire Breath: FlameMan will start using this attack when his HP gets low. The attack has an increased range.

Strategy: There are two candles at the back of his column, which has different effects depending on the color. You can easily blow out the candles by using your Buster. FlameMan will warp around his side of the field a couple of times before shooting out a Flame Tower. Focus on blowing out the candles as you attack FlameMan with Aqua Chips to inflict double the damage. Using an "AreaGrab" will increase your mobility as well as being able to dodge the "Chaos Flames" easily.

FlameMan α has more HP and inflicts more damage. You will be using the same strategy that you used last time when you fought him by focusing on Aqua chips and blowing out the candles with your Buster. The light on the candles have 12/16 HP for α/β respectively.


MistManMistMan αMistMan β HPElementPosion Mist (Punch)Poison Mist (Mist)Majin TackleSoul GangerLocationRewardsMistMan1000None40124020NetBattle Comp2000 ZennysMistMan α1300None80158040NetBattle CompMistMan MMistMan β1600None1202012080NetBattle Comp100~2000 Zennys,MistMan M,MistManV2 M,MistManV3 M,MistManV4 M

Poison Mist (Punch): MistMan will release Poison Mist on your side of the field. If you stand right next to a Mist, the Majin will punch you.

Poison Mist (Mist): MistMan will release Poison Mist on your side of the field. If you stand in the Mist, it will inflict 12/15/20 damage per second.Majin Tackle: MistMan will send a Majin to tackle you when you line up with the Lamp. The Majin has 10 HP.

Soul Ganger: MistMan summons two Mists on your side of the field. If you get caught by the Mist, it will immobilize you.

Strategy: MistMan (The Lamp) will move up/down at the back column. As you can see from the types of attack that MistMan uses, he focuses mostly on limiting your mobility. You should use "AreaGrab"s to increase your mobility around the field. None of the Mist will prevent any of your chips from hitting MistMan, so use your Chips as you line up with the Lamp. "DynaWave" chips work as it can pierce through the Majin that MistMan sends toward you when you align with the Lamp. If you can use two "AreaGrab"s or "PanlGrab" chips, you can get close to the Lamp and use Sword chips.


DrillManDrillMan αDrillMan β HPElementDrill DriveTriple HolePanel CrusherRubbleLocationRewardsDrillMan600None80808060Undernet 54000 ZennysDrillMan α900None120120120100Undernet 6DrillMan DDrillMan β1200None160160160140Hades Isle100~2000 Zennys, DrillMan D, DrillMnV2 D, DrillMnV3 D, DrillMnV4 DDrill Drive: DrillMan and two other drills will come out from holes on the other side one by one drilling towards the left.Triple Hole: DrillMan summons three holes and sends a barrage of Drills towards you.Panel Crusher: DrillMan will drill through the highlighted panels on your side of the field with two other drills. The attack creates three holes.Rubble: After "Panel Crusher", three rubbles will fall on your side of the field.

Strategy: DrillMan has a very simple pattern when it comes to his actions. He will start off by going into his "Drill Mode" and use "Drill Drive" a few times. He will then use "Triple Hole" and follow up with another "Drill Drive". He will then use "Triple Hole" or "Panel Crusher" and repeat the pattern again. Most of his attacks can be dodged by moving up/down and moving away from the highlighted panels.

You have a few chances to attack DrillMan. When he is using the "Drill Drive", you can move up/down as you dodge the Drills and attack DrillMan with chips such as "WideSwrd" or "Burner". When DrillMan uses "Triple Hole", you cannot see DrillMan but he is in one of the three holes. You can use chips such as "Boomer" or "Lance" to hit the two holes in the back. If DrillMan does not show up, it means he is in the middle hole. You can also rely on Navi Chips such as "FlashMan" or "PlantMan" to stop his movements and follow up with another chip or P.A.

DrillMan α/β moves faster than his original version. Continue using chips such as "WideSwrd", "Slasher", and "Burner". You can also rely on Navi Chips such as "FlashMan" or "PlantMan" to stop his movements and follow up with another chip or P.A.


ProtoManProtoMan αProtoMan β HPElementSonic BoomFighter SwordWide SwordDelta Ray EdgeLocationRewardsProtoMan1000None100100100-Eternal HadesProtoMan BProtoMan α1300None150150150150Eternal HadesProtoMnV2 BProtoMan β1600None200200200200Eternal Hades100~2000 Zennys,ProtoMan B,ProtoMnV2 B,ProtoMnV3 B,ProtoMnV4 BSonic Boom: ProtoMan will slash his Sword, which creates a wave that travels towards MegaMan that covers two panels-worth.Fighter Sword: ProtoMan warps to the front of his field and unleashes a 3 space sword attack just like the battle chip. ProtoMan tends to use this attack when MegaMan is in the middle/back columns.Wide Sword: ProtoMan will use a Wide Sword attack. The attack works just like the battle chip and he will use this attack when you are standing in the front column or directly in front of him. ProtoMan can also warp directly in front of you when you are in the middle/back column.

Delta Ray Edge: When ProtoMan's HP gets low, he will slash you three times in a shape of a triangle.

Strategy: ProtoMan may seem daunting at first but if you know how to dodge his attacks, there should be no issues. I recommend standing in the middle/back columns, which will provoke ProtoMan to use his Fighter Sword. This attack can easily be dodged by moving up/down. He will also use Sonic Boom three times in a row, which can be hard to dodge at first if you do not know the rhythm. As long as you stay in the middle row, you just have to move up/down to dodge the first Sonic Boom, swiftly move back to the middle row and then dodge the next Sonic Boom. Do not use any projectile chips like Cannons or your Buster during this fight due to ProtoMan having a shield. Therefore, you are left with Sword, Bomb, and Navi chips to deal damage. The best time to attack is when he is done warping or before he performs his attack. You can move to the front column and wait for ProtoMan to warp in front of you. You can easily punish him with one of your own sword chips. If you are not feeling confident, use an Invis chip before moving in for the attack.


DarkManDarkMan αDarkMan β HPElementFlame Tower

Killer's Beam

Ice WaveBlack WingDark ShadowLocationRewardsDarkMan1400None10010010050100Secret 1NoneDarkMan α1600None15015015075150Secret 1DarkMan DDarkMan β1800None200200200100200Undernet 6100~2000 Zennys,DarkMan D,DarkManV2 D,DarkManV3 D,DarkManV4 DFlame Tower: DarkMan will use a Flame Tower that will move towards MegaMan when he is Purple.

Killer's Beam: DarkMan shoots a Beam that has "Breaking" and "Anti-Invis" properties when he is Orange.

Ice Wave: DarkMan sends an Ice Wave that travels just like the Battle Chip. DarkMan will use this attack when he is Blue.Black Wing: DarkMan opens three holes at the top of your battlefield where countless bats will start flying down.Dark Shadow: DarkMan summons an Axe that appears in front/behind MegaMan.

Strategy: DarkMan will change the color of his body as he warps around the field. As soon as he changes colors, expect the attack that corresponds to that color and dodge accordingly. DarkMan will eventually use "Black Wing", which you can dodge by moving left/right. The bats have 1 HP but it might be easier if you just dodge them. You can also use an "AreaGrab" to stay in the front column to dodge the attack completely. DarkMan will continue to use his elemental attacks when the bats are flying down, so be vigilant about the elemental attacks as well.

DarkMan α/β has more HP and inflicts more damage with his attacks. You can even use your favorite P.A.s that you deleted Serenade/Bass GS with. All of those chips/P.A.s are viable options!


JapanManJapanMan αJapanMan β HPElementSpinning ReflectStraight SpearThousand SpearBackupLocationRewardsJapanMan1600None150150100100Secret 2NoneJapanMan α1800None200200150150Secret 2JapanMan YJapanMan β2000None250250200200

Armor Comp

100~2000 Zennys,JapanMan Y,JapanMnV2 Y,JapanMnV3 Y,JapanMnV4 YSpinning Reflect: JapanMan spins his Spear to reflect all projectile attacks.

Straight Spear: JapanMan uses his Spear to attack three spaces in front of him.Thousand Spear: JapanMan will appear two spaces in front of MegaMan and use his Spear to attack the entire column multiple times.

Backup: When JapanMan's HP gets low, he will summon Backup Soldiers that run to the left and steal your panels. The Soldiers have 3 HP.

Strategy: JapanMan uses his Spear to attack and will never stand directly in front of you. He will always attack at least two spaces away from MegaMan. You can use this to your advantage and dodge accordingly. If you stand at the back column, JapanMan will only use his "Straight Spear" attack, which can be dodged by moving up/down. Projectile attacks will not work against JapanMan as he will use his Spear to reflect the attack.

JapanMan has high HP, so you will have to focus on using P.A.s and Navi chips to inflict damage. JapanMan will summon Backup Soldiers when his HP gets low. You can prevent the Soldiers from stealing your panels by placing objects such as "Pawn" or using "PanlOut3".



HP: 2000Element: NormalRecommended Chips: Magnum chips, MetaGel chips, AreaGrabReward: Rank 1

Sonic Boom: Serenade will reflect your attack into a Sonic Boom that shoots forward in the same row if he can move up/down, which inflicts 100 damage.Saint Light: Serenade sends a ball of light that travels up and down. You can dodge the light by standing in the middle row and move forward as soon as the ball of light moves in front of you. The attack inflicts 100 damage.Holy Shock: Serenade stands in the front column and raises his hand that forms multiple shocks around your side of the field, which can crack panels and a gust of wind that pushes you to the back column. Each shock inflicts 100 damage.

Strategy: Serenade's attack pattern is very simple. He will move around his field and use primarily the "Saint Light" to attack. He will occasionally stand in the front column and use "Holy Shock" to attack your entire field. This is one of the only opportunities when Serenade is vulnerable to your attacks. Serenade is able to reflect all of your attacks and send a "Sonic Boom" back at you. This makes it sound like you will not be able to inflict much damage against Serenade...

However, you will notice that he will always move up/down as he reflects your attacks. You can use that to your advantage by preventing Serenade from moving up/down. You have a few choices:

Area-Locking Serenade with "MetalGel" and "AreaGrab" chips.Breaking the panels around Serenade using "Magnum" and "Geddon2" chips.A combination of Area-Locking and placing Obstacles such as "Pawn" and "RockCube" chips.

When Serenade is not able to move up/down, he becomes vulnerable to all attacks. This is your chance to attack him with Battle Chips and P.A.s. Here are a few recommended Chips/P.A.s:

"Meteors" chip with "Fire+30" and "Atk+30" with Serenade Area-Locked."BubbleMan"/"PlantMan" chips with "Aqua/Wood+30", "Navi+20", "Atk+30" chips.P.A. "MomQuake" (RockCube * + RockCube * + GodStone S) with Serenade Area-Locked.P.A. "BodyGrd" (AntiDmg M + AntiNavi M + Muramasa M) with "Atk+30".


BassBass GS HPAuraElementAir BurstExplosionEarth BreakerShooting ClawGospel CannonVanishing WorldLocationRewardsBass1000100None100100100---Alpha2000 ZennysBass GS2000200None300300450300300500Secret 3Bass XAir Burst: Bass shoots out a burst of air down his row.

Explosion: Bass will charge an attack that glows yellow and shoots multiple Air Burst attacks down all three rows.

Earth Breaker: Bass jumps into the air and attacks with his fist hitting the column that MegaMan is standing on.

Shooting Claw: Bass GS will send two Claws that fly into your side of the field that inflict 300 damage, which can also crack panels.Gospel Cannon: Bass GS will use Gospel's Head to fire the "Breath of Gospel" that inflicts 300 damage.

Vanishing World: Bass GS will use this attack when his HP is below half. He will use Gospel's Head to fire a large beam/explosion that inflicts 500 damage and destroys the affected panels.

Strategy: Bass has an Aura that negates all attacks that deal less than 100 damage. You will have to use a Chip that deals more than 100 damage to get rid of the Aura to start inflicting damage onto Bass. However, the Aura will regenerate as soon as Bass uses the "Explosion/Earth Breaker" attacks. Use a Chip when he is about to use "Explosion" to cancel out his attack to keep the Aura from coming back.

Bass will mainly use two types of attack. He uses the "Air Burst" attack a few times before charging the "Explosion" attack. I recommend using your Battle Chips during/after he uses his "Air Burst" attack. When his HP gets low, he will start using "Earth Breaker". As soon as you see Bass jump into the air, move to the left/right to dodge the attack.

A strategy is to use a Chip to get rid of the Aura when your Custom Gauge is full. Open your Custom Screen and choose as many Chips as you can and use them the next turn.

Bass GS has an Aura that negates all attacks that deal less than 200 damage. You will have to use a Chip that deals more than 200 damage to get rid of the Aura to start inflicting damage onto Bass GS. However, the Aura will regenerate as soon as Bass uses most of his attacks.

Bass GS has three new attacks. He will mainly use "Shooting Claw" and "Gospel Cannon" on top of the usual "Air Burst"/"Explosion" attacks. The "Shooting Claw" can be dodged by moving away from the highlighted panels. "Gospel Cannon" can be dodged by going to the front column and standing on the top/bottom row. "Vanishing World" can be dodged using the same tactics. If you are having issues with the Cracked panels, install the "AirShoes" Program or Battle Chip.

In terms of offense, Battle Chips that deal 200 damage are limited. Most of those chips also require an additional set up such as having an obstacle on the field (NoBeam chips) or using a Fire chip to blow up the object (BlkBomb chips). Therefore, you should focus on using P.A.s. When you have the necessary chips for a P.A., use a "NrthWind" chip to blow away his Aura and open your Custom Screen to set up the P.A. for the next turn. Just like the battle with Serenade, most of these Chips/P.A.s will benefit from Area-Locking Bass GS with "AreaGrab" and "MetaGel" chips.

Here are a few Chips/P.A.s recommended for this battle:

"Meteors" chip with "Fire+30" and "Atk+30" with Bass GS Area-Locked."BubbleMan"/"PlantMan" chips with "Aqua/Wood+30", "Navi+20", "Atk+30" chips.P.A. "MomQuake" (RockCube * + RockCube * + GodStone S) with Bass GS Area-Locked.P.A. "PoisPhar" (PoisMask A + PoisFace A + Anubis A) with Bass GS Area-Locked.P.A. "BodyGrd" (AntiDmg M + AntiNavi M + Muramasa M) with "Atk+30".



HP: 2000Element: NormalRecommended Chips: RndmMetr, Pawn, P.A. "Z-Canon 2", P.A. "LifeSwrd"

Devil Hand: Alpha sends his hands to perform a vertical attack on the column that MegaMan is standing on followed by a horizontal attack on the row that MegaMan is standing on. Alpha will use this pattern three times in a row. The hands have a "Break" effect and can deal 50 damage.

Reverse Vulcan: Alpha will use the Vulcans on his shoulders to shoot at MegaMan for a few seconds for 20 damage.

Red Eyes Delete: Alpha shoots a beam that hits two panels in front of it, which spreads into three directions. The attack will crack the panels that the beam hits as well as the three panels right next to it for 80 damage.

Alpha Arm Σ: When Alpha's HP gets low, it pulls out a device from its core that sends electrical charges down the row. The electrical charges have two patterns (an electrical charge down the middle row and electrical charges down the top/bottom rows) that alternate a few times. The attack inflicts 60 damage.

Alpha Arm Ω: When Alpha's HP gets low, it fires a giant missile down the middle row. The missile itself can inflict 100 damage. When the missile gets to the very left of the screen, it will explode and damages the two colums on the left for 100 damage.

Strategy: Alpha takes up 2/3 of the battle field and has a defensive core that needs to be inflicted before you can damage it. Once you inflict enough damage, the core of its body will turn "Blue" and you can start damaging it. The core will regenerate its defensive shield, so you must act quickly.

During the first half of the battle, Alpha will use/alternate with three different attacks. The "Devil Hand" can be dodged by moving left/right when you see the first hand. Quickly move up/down to dodge the second hand. Alpha will use this attack three times in a row. Alpha will follow up with a "Reverse Vulcan" or "Red Eyes Delete". "Reverse Vulcan" can be easily dodged by moving around the field away from the highlighted panels. "Red Eyes Delete" can also be dodged by moving to the top/bottom row in the back two columns. You need to be careful with the cracked panels as it can impede your mobility making it hard to dodge the other two attacks. You may want to put the AirShoes/SetMetal Navi Customizer Program if you are having trouble with the cracked panels. When Alpha's HP gets low, it can start using the Alpha Arm Σ/Ω attacks. The Σ attack can be dodged by moving up/down in an even rhythm. The Ω attack can be dodged by staying in the top/bottom row and quickly move to the front column to dodge the explosion.

In terms of your offense, you should focus on using your Charged Buster Shots to open the Core. As soon as the Core is "Blue", focus on using your Chips and P.A.s. A few Chips that you should use are "RndmMetr" and "Pawn" chips. The "Pawn" chip is very useful as you can place it in front of Alpha and repeatedly hit A to use its attack. As for P.A.s, "Z-Canon2" and "LifeSwrd" are good candidates.




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